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Farewell to two CPEE Stalwarts

At the CPEE AGM on 14 November 2019, CPEE Chair, Peter Mitchem, provided a succinct, but heart felt, thank you to two of CPEE’s greatest servants and supporters. He acknowledged the extensive commitment, both in time and passion, provided by former office holders and Members. Peter Lowe and Ken Mavin 

For over 20 years from 1998, Peter Lowe as CPEE’s second Independent Chair (1998 – 2007), was heavily involved in CPEE, with recent years as a CPEE Member.

Ken Mavin was the first Executive Officer in 1996 when CPEE began (through to 2007) and thereafter working part time consultant/employee through to 2016, then Ken remained connected in recent times also as a CPEE Member.

“CPEE is indebted to each for their wisdom and outputs over all these years and CPEE has achieved a special and unique respect because of it,” said Peter Mitchem in his thank you remarks at the AGM.