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Postgraduate Study

CPEE is an accredited private provider of tertiary education specialising in road, infrastructure and pavement technology engineering.

Postgraduate study with CPEE



There is a continuing need for increased capability and knowledge in the work environment particularly in technical areas associated with the design, construction and maintenance of road pavements and other major infrastructure assets. Yet there is also increasing pressure on time and it is frequently not possible or convenient to undertake study via face to face courses at Universities. The online education programs offered by the Centre for Pavement Engineering Education ( CPEE ) provide a unique and convenient option to learn and gain relevant knowledge and qualifications without the need to attend classrooms.


Our Approach

CPEE's unique and targeted educational approach is well regarded by the whole of the roads and pavements industry, including state and local governments. Theses practical courses encourage the direct application of the skills and knowledge acquired into the workplace and is further facilitated by the online format. The programs aim at providing students with the knowledge and skills to fill senior positions in these specialist fields within state and local government, public works authorities and with engineering and infrastructure planning consultants.



Elective units may be selected to suit the needs of individuals wishing to update specific knowledge and become more productive in their workplace. This means that students are able to apply what they learn directly to their day-to-day activities. It is also possible just to undertake a single unit on a specific topic for those wishing to gain a focused learning immediately.