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KNE509: Asset Management Practices

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Unit Overview

In the first Unit on Asset Management Fundamentals, we introduced the principles of asset management and the strategic importance of sustainable infrastructure management as evidenced by the growing emphasis being placed on good asset management practice. In this Unit, we continue to expand on the necessary steps to put all of these principles into practice, again using the material from the International Infrastructure Management Manual as the basis for such practice

The Unit Chair for this Unit is: Unit Chair Profile

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Units are the building blocks of our programs. A unit specification summarises essential information about an individual unit in a single document. A unit specification is to be viewed as a key reference document and should referenced prior to commencing your study in that unit. Units specifications differ across programs dependent on the outcomes and level of study being undertaken. Ensure that you are referencing the unit specification applicable to your program of study.

University of Tasmania Programs

Unit Code KNE509: Unit Specification

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Past Unit Details

