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Term Definition
A number associated with a particular grade either: Used to enable different grades awarded to different assessment items to be weighted and aggregated or a single overall mark resulting from the weighting and aggregation of marks awarded for individual assessment items. Raw marks which may be scaled become final marks after approval by the delegated authority.
A postgraduate program that provides an advanced level of knowledge or mastery over an area of study or professional practice. CPEE offers Masters programs by coursework that may also include a research component
A measure of academic or other excellence.
The process by which agreement is reached about the level of learning demonstrated by a student for a particular item of assessment prior to the student receiving their mark or grade accounting for any differences in academic judgment made by different assessors against the agreed standards. The moderation process could involve: Ignoring the assessment of particular assessors Changing the grade or mark awarded to an item assessment Reassessing an item of assessment.