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KNE510: Asset Management Fundamentals

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Unit Overview

The purpose of this unit is to develop an understanding of the broad principles of a strategic approach to managing infrastructure. The unit explains the importance of applying appropriate asset management processes to optimise the service delivery provided to stakeholders from infrastructure assets. Importantly this unit provides an explanation of an asset management framework and the integrated relationship of this framework with an organisation’s corporate planning.

The unit compares the different strategies that might be most appropriate for different types of service delivery, including how to plan for and manage changes in demand for those services. Optimised decision making techniques are explained to illustrate best practice in deciding investment allocations for competing asset classes in an organisation. Integral to the asset management process is data collection and management, especially in relation to asset condition and the unit explains how these techniques can be applied. Managing risk within the asset management process is essential and the risk management process applicable to strategic infrastructure planning is examined..

The Unit Chair for this Unit is: Unit Chair Profile

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Units are the building blocks of our programs. A unit specification summarises essential information about an individual unit in a single document. A unit specification is to be viewed as a key reference document and should referenced prior to commencing your study in that unit. Units specifications differ across programs dependent on the outcomes and level of study being undertaken. Ensure that you are referencing the unit specification applicable to your program of study.

University of Tasmania Programs

Unit Code KNE510: Unit Specification

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Past Unit Details

