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Unit Code: 607

Pavement Management Systems and Performance

This unit provides students with the opportunity to advance their skills and knowledge related to the field of road pavement management systems, to an advanced professional level. The unit develops students’ cognitive skills to think critically about the processes and methodologies employed in managing the overarching construction and maintenance of complex road networks. The recent focus on optimising the use of resources has impacted transport facilities in general and the road network in particular. The high visibility of the multibillion dollar road asset network condition ensures that it is a prime target for any review of public expenditure with an emphasis on life cycle issues rather than short term management of the pavement. A systems based ability to predict problems, introduce proactive maintenance strategies and to act before failure, are critical aspects of modern infrastructure management.

Unit Specifications
Programs Master of Pavement Technology (MPT) (AQF Level 9), Graduate Certificate in Pavement Technology (GCPT) 
Unit Name Pavement Management Systems and Performance
Unit Code 607
Duration One semester
Credit Points 1
Delivery Mode Online
  • 600: Fundamentals of Roads and Pavements,
  • 613: Road Construction and Drainage Principles
Co requisites Nil
Unit Chair Prof. Ron Ayers
Unit Topics

Topic 1: Introduction to Pavement Management Systems (PMS)
Topic 2: PMS within Asset Management
Topic 3: The Asset Inventory
Topic 4: PMS Elements
Topic 5: Pavement Condition Monitoring
Topic 6: Pavement Performance
Topic 7: Implementing a PMS
Topic 8: PMS Outcome and Applications
Topic 9: Future Directions

Unit History

This unit was formerly titled: Pavement Management 
Unit Specification - Pavement Management